Yoga World writes about B-LIGHT – Organic sportswear


B-LIGHT gets noticed by Yoga World

In number 5, 2016, of the magazine Yoga World B-LIGHT – Organic sportswear is acknowledged. You can also find the same article in Yoga World blog here (Swedish only). Yoga world blog about B-LIGHT Organic sportswear.

B-LIGHT as a company started three years ago but didn’t start to sell clothes until June 2016. It has taken a long time to get the right supplier, best quality fabric and correct styles of the garments. Also the constant work with the B-LIGHT Webshop has taken a lot of time.

B-LIGHT prioritize highest quality on their organic yoga clothes

Since quality always been of the highest priority for B-LIGHT these three years has held both failures and successes. We are today very proud of the current collection of high quality garments for yoga and sport. Fabric, styles and colors has been carefully developed over the past years.

Yoga and organic clothing belong together

Yoga means “to unite”. For us this means the ability to unite beautiful and practical organic clothing with a sustainable production. Short term solution that are not sustainable are not of interest. All clothings from B-LIGHT are organic. From seed to fashion. For us it is obvious to wear organic clothings when practising yoga. Our opinon is that synthetic clothes has no place in a yoga class. Yoga + organic = TRUE![:sv]

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